BREAKING (February 2, 2022): The Province of Aurvien has been raided by an unknown person. This act of war has been investigated by authorities. After this heinous act, Prince Dawood bin Orzan decided to give up on the province and fully integrate it into Qardasha and start his own nation (not a rebellion).
BREAKING (removed date): Jizya (taxes) has been implemented in the nation. It will receive most of its funds through zakat (donations) from its Muslim citizen. For everyone else, they will have to pay jizya. The maximum a person can be taxed however is 2.5%
Nearing the end of January and the start of February, Qardaishan got bad and it got very cold. Roads froze and there was worry power was going to go out. Nothing happened and everyone was safe other than the cold.
BREAKING: A new province has been added called Elridge. The Grand Vizier, Nafiz Pasha went around and claimed the land on behalf of the sultan. The battle went smoothly but he himself was injured and had to rest for a while. He received some new honors but that will be mentioned in another article.
New alliances were formed with the nation joining The Triumviates. Many things have happened but it is hard to recollect as it happened over a very long time. The press apologizes for not keeping everything up to date.
BREAKING: The identity of the raiders of Aruvien has been discovered. It seems that they were a part of a massive raid group called "The 4ht Brigade". The nation took action to upgrade its defenses including recruiting more Alps in the army with the addition of David Alp, Simon Alp, and (foreign brigade) Bibo Alp. The nation is on high alert and is trying to recruit more soldiers. If you wish to serve the government says to join the Official Discord server. The link is here: https://discord.gg/8FR3TXBxGd