Qardasha has been going through some heartbreaks meanwhile positions are fading away. To deal with this situation Qardasha has been Isolated for a while to upgrade its military. We have new soldiers. One of our alps has been promoted to a Pasha and now holds the title the Spear of Orzan. Sultan’s son Prince Mika’el Bin Orzan. He is granted the position because Qardasha believes in his loyalty and sees him as a trustworthy person.
Now let’s dive into the Royal Family. Congratulations to Our Beloved Sultan who has married Aisha Sultana. She will be with us to give us more suggestions on how to progress. Aisha Sultana enlisted in our military and now is a former Alp.
Qardasha is looking for new relations and has built new ties with other countries looking to bring peace. If we look into the vizierate there are new reforms there are 3 new divisions: Advising, Communication, Service. The government has done the same. People are also encouraged to get jobs because that's the only way to make money.
We have opened private businesses and a Union Company defining Stocks. In the talk of new reforms professionalism is one of the things that are being forced. We have had enough drama, it's time to be an actual nation. Citizens are following the Kurallar which are certain principles every Qardaishan will follow. As a nation maturity and dignity shall be known while the Sultan shows his courtesy towards his people. We are all caught up for today, Thank you for tuning in and checking up on Qardasha. JazakallahKhair. May peace and blessings of Almighty Allah be upon you.
Long Live the Sultanate, Victory or Death. AVE!