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Sultan under fire; Pen of Orzan

Writer's picture: omar sumonomar sumon

2 days ago after we published our news article on the new EOH Law hate for the law started happening, led by the King of Zeprana McKeen. First, let's move away from the main topic and talk about what happened after the law (that's not controversial). It was declared by the sultan that September 16 would be made a national holiday called 'Anti-Colonizer Day' to not only honor the martyrdom of Omar al-Mukhtar but all people who stood in the way of western colonization and westernization.

Secondly, a new province was added known as Orzan Village, land that is actually owned by the Royal Family. With that, the nation gave up all claims to Bir Tawil. Now back to our main topic. After the article was published immediately people started debating and refuting the law stating that 'it oppressed women'. This sparked arguments and debates which then eventually led the sultan to write and publish a public letter to all who disagreed with the law.

The letter read: " In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious. Dear, whoever it concerns,

In response to the recent controversy regarding the new EOH Law, I, Sultan Orzan bin Muhammad, declare that it will not be reversed. First of all, why be so pressed? Are you trying to see naked women on the streets? Then you defend your actions by saying ‘Let her wear what she wants.’ I agree with that, I really do. But when you are in a Muslim nation with Muslim Women wearing Hijab, Niqab, and maybe even Burqa then why would you wear a bikini?

I said that if the entire nation is Muslim and wearing Hijab and one girl is wearing a bikini what will happen? Will the men not look at her? Why is a nation where you are supposed to be safe from the temptations of the west and are able to focus on Allah will you be tempted by the west? On top of that Hijab keeps a woman safe from Evil Eye. And how will you react when we tell you that abortion is banned?

I am prepared for the entire world to be against us, so do not target my people, do not target my religion, target me in your attacks. So do what you please! Condemn us, attack us, cut ties with us, I no longer care. For I have the support of the entire Muslim Ummah [of billions]! As long as my dynasty stands, Qardasha will never betray or leave its Islamic values. That is what I meant when I said we will not change. We will not change our values.

I have the support of someone who is greater than the religion of Islam itself. He watches all and does not get tired, he is the creator, he is Allah. The most Merciful the Most Compassionate, the One, has no partners or anyone besides him. There is no deity equivalent to or beside him, Allah. Even if the world is against me, Allah is with me, and he is the creator and the destroyer. So do not try to westernize my people with your useless attempts. I have seen what you have done to my caliphate, but now it is my turn. And I will make sure that no one will corrupt my people or lead them astray from Islam.

Alhamdulillahirabilaalameen. All praises belong to Allah, the lord of the worlds. So attack me and try to westernize my people. I will be waiting. And so will lord.

signed Sultan Orzan bin Muhammad"

The letter itself prompted more debates to start and Zerpana eventually responded. Zeprana stated: "Due to the brutal oppression of certain individuals within the Sultanate of Qardasha, the government of the Republic of Zeprana finds it necessary to issue a statement upon the matter.

First of all, the controversy stems from the Enforcement of the Hijab Act within the Sultanate of Qardasha. This Act would require all women of the nation to cover up all skin like they do in many other Middle Eastern specifically Muslim Countries.

This Act has caught much heat due to the fact that many Western Micronations such as Zebras have libertarian and neo-liberal governments and female populations that dress revealingly. The Act has been cited and criticized by Zeprana and many other westerners for curbing the freedom of women within Qardasha, the government of Qardasha has issued multiple statements upon this.

The Sultanate's government has said that the act is to prevent the male population which is mostly Muslim from committing the sin of Zina within the nation. Now, many including our nation's President and other Western Micro Nationalists have fought back by saying that it's a woman's responsibility to dress how she wants.

Now, Qardasha is a very conservative nation with it having Muslim Values. Now, the Sultan of Qardasha has issued a statement about this matter just like we are now which can be viewed here:

Now, the government of Zeprana collectively has deemed this somewhat oppressive especially due to the fact that it literally forces certain individuals to dress a certain way.

Now, what implications will this have for Zeprana and especially our external (foreign affairs), and what is predicted to happen?

First of all, we encourage the government of Qardasha to seriously rethink this law and to remove it.

If they do not, it has been confirmed that Zeprana will utterly and fully cut ties with the Sultanate.

Other than this, not much will happen.

However, we sincerely encourage Qardasha to change for the better and to grant their people more god-given rights. "

This sparked another debate with some people siding with the Sultanate stating "it is not our business to stop them from doing sharia." After multiple debates (and Zeprana's server getting nuked) Sultan Orzan bin Muhammad came up with a response.

He stated: "In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious

Exalted is He, the lord of the worlds, the creator of man. In response to the document made by the Zepranan government titled ‘Statement Regarding Oppression in Qardasha’...

You only see this law through the lenses of the west. You claim to try to be unbiased yet share a biased opinion. The west will always be against Qardasha. We are Muslim. And because of our faith, we are persecuted and hated. When we go against your ideals you claim we are oppressive and extreme as we do not share the same opinion. Forgive me for my unprofessional language here, but you are the very definition of Twitter.

You will not agree with everyone and you must accept that. You say you will cut ties with us due to this ‘oppression’ when there is no oppression. But alas just as my father has said, those who follow the truth will always be hated. The disappointment I have is immeasurable. Zeprana was here for Qardasha since the beginning. It is sad to see that minds have changed as you have adopted a western ideology.

As one of your people said, we are Muslims, not feminazis. In a land where they buried their daughters simply for being a woman at birth, Islam was the first to give women rights. To this day Islam gives more rights to women than to men. Your attempts at reversing the law are useless. We follow the book, and we follow the perfect laws. I do not make the laws, I enforce them. You only see this through the lenses of the west, so you do not understand it.

You say the hijab is forceful and oppressive, yet your own women who have reverted have said that the hijab freed them. Hijab gives women liberty. Yet you are too ignorant and arrogant to afraid to see your ideologies be challenged to see al-haqq.

The inevitable reality is coming. My nation will be a nation that will die when the wind blows [reffering to the end times]. Do as you please. Islam will guide us and bring us to victory.

اِنَّ اللّٰهَ عِنۡدَهٗ عِلۡمُ السَّاعَةِ​ ۚ

Indeed Allah [Alone] has knowledge of the hour. Quran 31:34

Signed Sultan Orzan bin Muhammad"

The next day Zeprana officially cut ties with Qardasha. Qardaishan did not approve of this decision and called them out for "Islamophobia" and other crimes. The sultan was under fire yet he decided to settle everything out with his pen instead of his fists. Prince Dawood bin Orzan expressed his concern stating that this may be the first step to war or even the collapse of the empire.

Before we finish up we want to report a new law that Prince Dawood bin Orzan has created called the Religion Rights of Qardasha (RROQ) Law. The law went on to state that every religion should be respected and that it is pointless to debate religion. The law gave more rights to minority groups and created peace in the nation.

Qardasha seems to decline a little. But it also only continues to grow. What will happen next? Will the nation finally collapse? Who knows. Find out next week as we post weekly.



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