A lot has happened since Ramadan and during Ramadan, the media decided not to post anything during Ramadan as many were fasting. But now Ramadan is over and there is a lot to catch up on. Over Ramadan, the major events mainly included the expansion of the Empire. After months of talking the Republic of Zarkyiv, decided to allow itself to be annexed and to become a vassal state of the Qardaishan Nation.
Along with this, major economic reforms were made. Unfourtnantly, these economic reforms which stopped printing money, put 90% of the population out of a job. Most Qardaishans still are well off with their macro national lives, but in Qardasha, many have not worked a day in their life. Due to this, and rising taxes, some speculate that a lot of people will go into debt soon.
Fortunately, the government only taxes those who have wealth. With this, the establishment of the Vizierate also happened in Ramadan. The Vizierate is a council of Viziers and Chatu Viziers whose job is to create laws and help the Sultan by voting on things. Of course, the sultan still has absolute power and the Vizerate can't monitor what he does.
The establishment of an Imamate is also underway. a council of Imams and Sheiks or Islamic religious scholars and leaders to keep Qardasha Islamic and acts as judges and provided a supreme court to Qardasha. The head Imam title, or Grand Imam, the one who can veto anything made by the Imamate and the leader of all religious affairs in the nation belongs to, of course, the Sultan.
With these 2 councils established the Qardaishan government faced a boost and it seemed like Qardasha would go smooth for the next couple of months. But after the harsh taxing of vassal states and members of the Qardaishan Armed Forces (QAF) destroyed and took down Zarkyiv's discord server and the only way of communications, Zarkyiv left Qardasha, and Qardasha was condemned internationally.
After Zarkyiv, followed an era of peace and prosperity. This was short-lived however because, a couple of days after the end of Ramadan, Qardasha was threatened with war. The group called themselves "Tehreek-e-Mujahideen" and were quickly painted as an extremist group by the Qardaishan and international community. Not only did they follow ISIS ideology, in their flag, but also included Arabic text that said "The family of the Islamic State in Pakistan"
This group gave the honorable sultan and emperor, Orzan bin Muhammad, 3 options. 1. to hand over Qardasha to Tehreek-e-Mujahideen. 2. to abolish the sultanate and establish a caliphate, and 3. To face the consequences. The sultan asked multiple follow-up questions over the course of 2 days to stall them as spies infiltrate their group. Multiple higher-ups in Qardasha, offended by the threats and insults directed to their nation and sultan, opted to harass their leaders until the war started.
Finally, on May 7, 2022, the war broke out. Quickly the Qardaishan Cyber-Corps ruined their communications. Banning almost all members of their organization. The battle only lasted 40 seconds and lasted in Qardaishan's favor. Qardasha immediately started celebrating, and the Sultan himself attended a festival in West Tree Military Base.
May 8, which is also victory day in Europe for ww2, is celebrated as Victory over the Tehreek-e-Mujahideen day. Although the radical Islamist extremist group vows revenge and claims that Qardasha only destroyed their side server, many see the war has ended in Qardaishan victory and that the remaining members are deranged lunatics who are still sad that they've lost.
With this, the government has given official notice that if any Tehreek-e-Mujahideen member private messages them on social media to tell them to "cope" the war also gave birth to multiple war heroes, the most notable of which being Ilzat Pasha, who successfully infiltrated their online communications and delt the most damage to them. Although Ilzat Pasha tries to be humble and says he's un-deserving of such praise and awards, many beg to differ.
It seems like a new era has begun in Qardasha, an era where Qardasha does not fear its enemies, but instead where Qardasha's enemies fear Qardasha. The sultan will be giving 2 speeches on May 8, one will be pre-recorded, and the other will be live on Qardasha's discord server. Read us next time as Qardasha only continues to become greater.