Prince Dawood bin Orzan, AKA Prince David has retired. Some say it is a break and he will return soon. Others say he will be gone forever. For the longest time, Dawood was considered a Qardaishan hero. Despite some problems during the 3-hour war, he has always been on the side of the Qardaishan people. For his service, the sultan let him off with the Qardaishan Medal of Service the highest-ranking honor.
The Sultan has made a small speech tonight saying, "The Prince, Dawood bin Orzan, has (once again) left. We do not know whether this is a break or a full retirement but let me just talk about him. Prince Dawood bin Orzan, also known as Prince David was here from the beginning. He's been with us from the war, till today. Almost 6 months of service he's provided for us. Out of almost everyone here, he is deserving of not only Pasha rank but the highest-ranking honor the Medal of Service. He is my adopted son, my best friend, and my brother who is to me like family. I am awarding him with the medal of Service to send him off. It is sad to see him go but all good things must end. Good luck to David on his journey and he will always be welcomed back. "
Along with this, the sultan also stated that "Today Qardasha has been orphaned. Orphaned of a hero, a role model, and its prince." Out of the 4 months that Qardasha has been around, the prince provided his service for 5 months. Dawood is a Nigerian teen who has always been on the side of his people despite being very different from them. He is an Orthodox Christian but that never stopped him from helping out the sultan and saving Qardasha.
This is unlike the sad ending of the 3-hour war. This is a bittersweet moment. The prince decided it was time for him to retire and so he did.
May he be well, the left arm of the sultan, the prince, a hero. One of the swords of the swords of Orzan. A member of the sultan's great court, Qardasha's greatest supporter. A role model for Qardaishan Christians, a man who is truly deserving of the Medal of Service.
