SHOCKING: The Prince of Qardasha, Prince Dawood ibn Orzan has betrayed Qardasha! Today, 20th of December 2021, The Royal Prince of Qardasha decided to leave Qardasha after an argument broke out between him and the Sultan over the heir to the throne. The Prince, after the argument, decided to leave and start a nation of his own. Upon hearing this, the sultan banished the young prince.
The prince's last announcement: "it has come to a sad conclusion that I, the prince of Qardasha will, unfortunately, have to leave in a few Minutes… It has become a fun journey and rides with the citizens and I have watched this country start from the beginning."
In response, the Sultan later said this: "It's with a heavy heart I say this, Prince Dawood ibn Orzan, or just Dawood now, has left us. He's been with us since the beginning, and he would've been with us till the end. He did so much for the nation, yet an evil eye plagued him. Today we lost a crucial member of our nation. Today I lost my best friend. He's left us to start a new nation, treason to its biggest levels. Many government jobs are open now, and the future of Qardasha is uncertain. Only with Allah will we recover. Only Allah is greater than the enemy now...
Due to his crimes, his citizenship has been revoked. And again, many jobs are open now.
Qardasha may not ever recover from this loss. We will seek foreign aid but only Allah is greater than everything now...
we will give one last takbeer to honor his time here, but let it be forever be marked that he failed to do his duty and betrayed the motherland."
Many are saddened with the Prince leaving, the Sultan himself having to take a break to deal with the situation. Explaining his sadness in a recently published public journal. In the journal, the sultan states: "I don’t know anymore. I feel betrayed. I look out my window and into the great grassy plains of the capital. I walk around the palace’s great gardens. The wisdom of the lord is what’s keeping me going. I wanna cry, I feel alone. The person who was with me on day one. The person who was with me during our toughest trials. My best friend, my adopted son. Gone. The nation has no military anymore. There is no one active on our server. There’s no one to create short propaganda videos anymore. Only God is greater than the enemy now. I keep repeating that, I was planning to do a takbeer parade. I don’t even know anymore. I’ll just continue to walk around the palace’s great gardens, looking out from the capital at Lake Germania. Only the comfort from my lord will help me now… "
Moving on from the sad news, a couple of days ago the Sultan announced the creation of his personal bodyguard corps called the Janissary Corps.

Logo of the Janissary Corps
Two people have been chosen and are acting as Janissaries, their names will not be shared for their safety.
The Sultanate is going through a dark age currently, the Sultan worried that the nation may not ever recover from losing its prince. Will the sun finally set on this new nation? A nation that has only lasted for a month? Only God knows what will happen to the nation. Join us next week for more news on the nation.
Even without him, Qardasha will obviously stay strong.
"I just can't get over the fact that we lost a valuable person in this nation" - Grand Vizier Nafiz ibn Hassan Pasha