Prince Dawood bin Orzan, before going on break, was noted for trying hard to maintain, reboot, and create an economy. Just until recently, the nation was using the Qardaishan Dollar. The economy was built by government officials sending images of the currency to its citizens to pay for it. Dawood, realizing it was a bad idea has spent tiring and endless nights trying to fix and overcome this issue. Unfourtantly, Dawood left before ever seeing his dreams realized.
The sultan, Orzan bin Muhammad, continued off of Dawood's effort to create an economy based on a new currency called the Qardaishan Digital Dinar. But wait, how did we get here? We've discussed what the previous state of the economy was but what about everything else? Well, let us get right into it.

Qardaishan Digital Dinar Coin
Nearing the end of November, the sultan asked citizens what they thought of an economy based on a bot. The bot would deal with transferring the money and would take a lot of empty jobs as it basically does what a bank does. The people agreed so the bot was added. As of February 28, 2022, the currency was officially changed from the Qardaishan Dollar to the Qardaishan Digital Dinar (sometimes shortened to the Qardaishan Dinar or Dinar).
After the switch, the economy immediately boomed. Many people began working regular jobs and made money for the first time. A new business opened up! It made its first sale a couple of minutes after. Dawood's dream was finally realized. The sultan still credits Dawood for the new and better economy, despite Dawood stating "it only got better after I left."
With the economy, there will be a time when taxes will be collected. The sultan has announced that taxes will be collected during the blessed and holy month of Ramadan. He explained this to the Grand Vizier in a recent visit when he stated "To collect taxes we collect zakat. We will of course give that zakat to where it will go but it will also be our taxes. That's why we have Jizya, so non-Muslims can pay taxes too. [People complain about Jizya when Muslims pay more. They pay more because they are donating and they are paying taxes.]"
Asides from the growing economy of Qardasha, upon hearing of the economy, Dawood finally decided to quit his break and get back to work in Qardasha. He hasn't done much yet but he is overseeing the economy in place of the sultan. Many celebrate and are happy with the princes' return.
The sultan has announced that it will stop being isolated and begin foreign relations again. Recently, Qardasha has sent foreign aid to The Republic of Zarkyiv. A nation that needed help after Zeprana attempted to protect its borders. (Qardasha stayed neutral on the topic)
Currently, the nation is neutral on the Ukrainian-Russian invasion. The sultan says that due to what Russia is doing, they may pick sides soon. When asked about neutrality, Sultan Orzan bin Muhammad replied "I am conflicted on the topic. I recognize what Russia is doing is bad and that innocents are dying. Yet when the same thing happens to a Muslim country [getting invaded, bombed, and/or attacked] no one cares. But now that it is happening to a western country the whole world goes crazy. Like, are we not human too? Why does no one care when we experience the same thing... Plus, they are only seeing a fraction of what we see. I stand with the Ukrainian people but I will stay neutral."

The nation is only growing! The economy expanded and is expected to boom within 2 months. Before we go let us first explain how the Qardaishan economy works. When the Sultan was trying to create an economy after the revolution, he thought to himself "will this be a currency I will live and die for?" He realized that micronational currency means nothing and has no value. So he simply gave it value. He created shops (online) for the Qardaishan people to buy rewards with the new currency. That is how QD (Qardaishan Dollar) and QDD (Qardaishan Dinar) works. It may be confusing and sad that people can't make actual money from the thing, but at least it has value. A value for the Qardaishan people, by the Qardaishan people. Catch up next week as we see what happens next.